Goetia – (26) Bune – (50) Furcas

Goetia - (26) Bune - (50) Furcas | Magia, Bruxaria, Paganismo, Wicca

In this post we’re going to keep the list of demons in Goetia, the first part of Lemegeton – The Lesser Key of Solomon. These posts are part of Summoning Magic series.
The list with the first 25 demons can be found here: Goetia – (1) Bael – (25) Glaysa-Labolas.



Goetia – Summoning demons (part 2)

The information below, as well as the illustrations, are based on the following books: The Goetia : the lesser key of Solomon the King (ISBN 087728-847-X) and Lemegeton: The Complete Lesser Key of Solomon (ISBN 0-9672797-0-4)

26) Bune

Goetia - Bune (A)Goetia - Bune (B)

Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: He provides wealth to those who call upon him and makes them wise and eloquent; Governs over 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: Dragon with three heads: one of a dog, one of a griffin and the other of a man.

27) Ronové
Goetia - Ronové

Hierarchy: ?
Attributes: Teaches the art of rhetoric; Provides good servants with knowledge of tongues; Governs over 19 legions of spirits
Appearance: A monster

Goetia - Ronové (Illustration)


28) Berith
Goetia - Berith

Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: Provides true answers about past, present and future; It can turn all metals into gold and can provide dignity to men; He is a great liar and should not be trusted too much; Governs over 26 legions of spirits
Appearance: A soldier in red clothes riding a red horse with a golden crown
Additional information: He is also known as Beal or Bolfry

Goetia - Berith (Illustration)
29) Astaroth
Goetia - Astaroth

Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: He offers answers about things from the past, present and future and can discover secrets; He can tell how each spirit fell and how he himself fell, as well as the delusions of each; Provides knowledge about all sciences; Governs over 40 legions of spirits
Appearance: An ugly-looking angel riding a hellish dragon and carrying a viper in his right hand

Goetia - Astaroth (Illustration)
30) Forneus
Goetia - Forneus

Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: He teaches and leaves the invoker excellent in the art of rhetoric; Provides good reputation and understanding of languages; He makes the invoker to be loved by his enemies and his friends; Governs over 29 legions of spirits, where part belongs of the Order of Thrones and part are Angels
Appearance: A big sea monster

31) Foras
Goetia - Fora

Hierarchy: President
Attributes: Teaches the properties of magical herbs and precious stones; Teaches the art of logic and ethics; He makes man invisible, graceful, eloquent and provides long life; He can discover treasures and recover lost things; Governs over 29 legions of spirits
Appearance: A strong man

32) Asmoday
Goetia - Asmoday

Hierarchy: King
Attributes: Teaches the art of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and manual arts; Provides complete and truthful answers to any questions; He makes man invisible and shows where treasures are; Governs over 72 legions of spirits
Appearance: Three heads: one of an ox, one of a man and one of a ram; Snake tail and goose feet. He appears sitting on an infernal dragon carrying a spear and a flag in his hands.
Additional information: It is under Amaymon and above all others

Goetia - Asmoday (Illustration)


33) Gaap
Goetia - Gaap

Hierarchy: President e Prince
Attributes: Provides knowledge about philosophy and all sciences; He can cause love or hate and can make people insensitive; He can teach how to consecrate the treasures of its King, Amaymon, and can free relatives of other sorcerers; Also gives answers about thins from the past, present and future; He can carry things between kingdoms; Governs over 66 legions of spirits
Appearance: Human
Additional information: Used to belong to the Order of Potentades

Goetia - Gaap (Illustration)
34) Furfur
Goetia - Furfur

Hierarchy: Earl
Attributes: He only tells the truth if he is placed within a triangle and takes the form of an angel; He can increase the love between a couple; He can bring lightning, thunder, storms and explosions; He provides true answers about secret and divine things; Governs over 26 legions of spirits
Appearance: Hart with fiery tail

Goetia - Furfur (Illustration)
35) Marchosias
Goetia - Marchosias

Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: Provides true answers to all questions; Governs over 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially as a wolf with griffin’s wings and snake’s tail. Then it takes the form of a strong fighter
Additional information: Used to belong to the Order of Dominations

Goetia - Marchosias (Illustration)
36) Stolas
Goetia - Stolas

Hierarchy: Príncipe
Attributes: He teaches astronomy and the properties of magical herbs and precious stones; Governs over 26 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially a raven, then he takes the form of a man

Goetia - Stolas (Illustration)


37) Phenex
Goetia - Phenex

Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: He is an excellent poet and is willing to take orders; Governs over 20 legions of spirits
Appearance: Bird


38) Halphas
Goetia - Halphas

Hierarchy: Earl
Attributes: Builds towers and fills them with weapons and ammunition; Send men to strategic locations for fighting and wars
Appearance: Dove

39) Malphas
Goetia - Malphas

Hierarchy: President
Attributes: He builds houses and high towers, unites craftsmen from all over the world; He can destroy the desires, thoughts and conquests of enemies; Provides good family members; Governs over 40 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially as a crow, then it takes the form of a man

Goetia - Malphas (Illustration)
40) Raum
Goetia - Raum

Hierarchy: Earl
Attributes: Steals treasures and take them wherever he is asked; Destroys cities and the honor of men; He answers about past, present and future; He can cause love between friends and enemies; Governs over 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially as a crow, then it takes the human form
Additional information: Used to belong to the Order of Thrones

41) Focalor
Goetia - Focalor

Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: He kills men, he drowns them and knocks down warships, for he has power over the winds and seas; Governs over 31 legions of spirits
Appearance: Man with griffin’s wings

42) Vepar
Goetia - Vepar (A)Goetia - Vepar (B)

Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: Guide the waters and the loading of armor; It causes sea turmoil and storms; It causes the death of men in 3 to 5 days through wounds that rot and feed worms; Governs over 29 legions of spirits
Appearance: Mermaid

43) Sabnach
Goetia - Sabnach

Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: He builds high towers, castles and cities and fills them with armor; May cause injury to people to rotting wounds full of worms; Provides good family members; Governs over 50 legions of spirits
Appearance: Soldier with a lion’s head riding a pale horse

44) Shax
Goetia - Shax

Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: Causes blindness, deafness or incapacity of understanding of any person; He steals money from kings; Get horses or whatever else you ask for; Discover hidden things; Provides good family members; Governs over 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: Dove

Goetia - Shax (Illustration)


45) Vine
Goetia - Vine

Hierarchy: King
Attributes: Discover hidden things, witches, things of the past and the future; It can build towers, knock down walls, cause storms, etc .; Governs over 35legions of spirits
Appearance: Lion riding a black horse with a viper in his hand

46) Bifrons
Goetia - Bifrons

Hierarchy: Earl
Attributes: Provides knowledge about astrology, geometry and other sciences as well as the arts and properties of magical herbs, gemstones and woods. He changes corpses of place and lights candles on the tombs; Governs over 6 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially a monster, then it takes the human form

47) Vual
Goetia - Vual (A)Goetia - Vual (B)

Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: Attracts love, reveals things of the past, present and future and also creates friendship between friends and enemies; Governs over 37 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially a dromedary, then it takes the form of a man
Additional information: He used to belong to the Order of Potentades

Goetia - Vual (Illustration)
48) Haagenti
Goetia - Haagenti

Hierarchy: President
Attributes: It leaves people wise and transmutes all metals into gold, water into wine and wine into water; Governs over 33 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially a bull, then it takes the human form

49) Crocell
Goetia - Crocell

Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: Teaches geometry and science; He can cause big noises; Heats waters; Governs over 48 legions of spirits
Appearance: Angel
Additional information: He used to belong to the Order of Potentades

50) Furcas
Goetia - Furcas

Hierarchy: Knight
Attributes: Teaches philosophy, astronomy, rhetoric, logic, chiromancy and pyromancy; Governs over 20 legions of spirits
Appearance: An old, cruel man riding a pale horse with a sharp gun in his hand

Goetia - Furcas (Illustration)

Read also:

Goetia – (1) Bael – (25) Glaysa-Labolas

Photo of author

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